Home » Posts » Toddler who is obsessed by personal injury lawyer has most bizarre birthday party ever

Toddler who is obsessed by personal injury lawyer has most bizarre birthday party ever

By Ali Mountain on

Lawyer overcomes cartoon characters in battle for kid’s affection


An American personal injury lawyer has found himself at the centre of a two-year old’s charmingly weird birthday celebration.

So obsessed has young Grayson Dobra become by Louisiana lawyer Morris Bart following the PI specialist’s local TV advertising campaign that the toddler’s parents decided to take an unusual step.

Rather than restrict Grayson’s recent party to celebrate turning two to a conventional kids’ theme, they based the bash around Bart, the name partner in 65-lawyer firm Morris Bart.

Alongside a Bart-themed cake — which Grayson’s mother L’erin was forced to explain to confused bakery employees was to be based on the lawyer rather than Bart Simpson — the family celebrated with Morris Bart-emblazoned T-shirts, a cut-out of the lawyer and even a signed photo supplied by the firm.


It just felt right, says mother L’erin, telling local paper The Acadiana Advocate this about her son’s obsession:

Before he could walk or talk, every time the Morris Bart commercial would come on, he was just fixated. You couldn’t talk to him. You couldn’t do anything with him. He would just sit and stare at the TV. You could call his name, give him a toy. He didn’t care. He just wanted to watch the Bart commercial. He’s been that way ever since, and when he started talking he would say, ‘One call’ or ‘Bart, Bart, Bart, Morris Bart, Morris Bart. They were not his first words, but they were a close second and third.

Bart’s firm’s marketing chief, Kaley Wilkins-Fabre, told the paper that she had been initially surprised by the request, but once it had been verified was delighted to assist by sending the signed photo and other goodies including key rings. She explained:

We do have people call wanting autographed pictures or want a chance to meet with Mr. Bart, things of that nature, but never a child’s birthday.

Watch the lawyer ad that utterly charmed toddler Grayson Dobra:

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