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The Legal Aid Agency did a really weird tweet — and no one seems to know why

By Ali Mountain on


There is bafflement among lawyers after the Legal Aid Agency’s official Twitter account did this weird tweet yesterday in response to an enquiry about the government’s tender for new criminal legal aid contracts.


The tweet, which has since been deleted, attracted ridicule from solicitors and barristers on Twitter, and has even reached the pages of the Law Society’s Gazette magazine.

A spokesperson for the Legal Aid Agency, which is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice, told the Law Society:

This tweet was clearly unintended and we are looking into what has happened.

The solicitor who received the tweet, Andrew Gurney of law firm Gurney Harden, has issued this comment:

I thought not only do the LAA treat solicitors with contempt by delaying the contract outcome notification date when people’s livelihood is at stake but when they do respond it is nothing but nonsense. But at least the LAA are nothing if not consistent.

Whatever the cause, the tweet caps a bad few days for @LegalAidAgency, which has also been on the end of criticism recently for its use of the Twitter “favourite” function.

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