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Morning round-up: Tuesday 27 May

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The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

NewspapersHerbert Smith Freehills partner whose tax affairs were being investigated “killed himself in the bath” after admitting he was at the “end of his tether” [Mail Online]

Exam board “drops” To Kill a Mockingbird after Gove reforms [BBC News]

In praise of…Mr Justice Tugendhat [The Guardian]

A Downton Abbey wedding for George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin [Mail Online]

Online barrister service hits crowdfunding target as Stobart demise “clears way” [Legal Futures]

Chris Grayling gets a wigging over court translators [The Guardian]

Hogan Lovells partner to ride horse from Moscow to Romania [Wales Online]

Cherie Booth QC: Help “less exceptional” women with quotas [The Telegraph]

Major accountancy firm writes “extraordinary” letter to High Court judge presiding over high-profile divorce case [The Independent]

People’s burial wishes should be registered to avoid arguments, say legal experts [The Independent]

Same-sex couple can adopt Roma boys, court rules [BBC News]

Infestation at court spurs lawyer to wear anti-flea anklet [New Zealand Herald]

“Perhaps it would be good idea if those of us on pupillage committees focused a little more on the substance, and a little less on the odd spelling error here or there” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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