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Morning round-up: Monday 16 September

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Judges must quit £3,000-a-night luxury lodgings and stay at B&Bs, as ministers seek to slash £5 million accommodation bill [Mail Online]

Barbara Hewson: “There should be no covering-up in court” [Spiked]

Liberty legal director James Welch on veils in court: “The UK has a long history of tolerance and is capable of setting an important example to others in Europe and beyond” [The Telegraph]

Investigated Serco and G4S can bid for new contracts, says Chris Grayling [The Guardian]

Delhi gang-rapists’ lawyer makes “Taliban-like” comment that he would have “burned victim alive” [The Telegraph]

Jailed: court clerk who wiped off car penalty points for cash [The Express]

Judges forced to adjourn cases costing tens of thousands of pounds because two gang members were being given tours of the cells [Mail Online]

The fat cat’s tale [A View From The North]

Two-tier bar will emerge from spending cuts, warn leading silks [The Lawyer]

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