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Morning round-up: Friday 5 February

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The morning’s top legal affairs news stories


“Astronomical, unjustifiable”: Law firms are slammed for charging up to £1,100-an-HOUR in fees that are restricting access to justice [Mail Online]

Assange demands UK and Sweden lift arrest threat so he can leave Ecuadorian embassy [The Guardian]

Michael Gove’s new constitutional court will not veto any EU laws, says leading Tory QC [The Telegraph]

European court challenges Britain’s right to deport all foreign criminals [The Telegraph]

Law students: look beyond London for a better work-life balance [The Guardian]

Victorian-era electoral laws should be made ‘fit for the 21st century’, urge law commissions [LocalGov]

Tory MP Geoffrey Cox will only have to apologise after failing to declare hundreds of thousands of pounds [The Telegraph]

Woman continues legal challenge to give birth to her own grandchild using her dead daughter’s eggs [The Independent]

Care from lawyers turned therapists [Financial Times]

“When I did the GDL there two years ago, odd crusty types would walk in and out of the building, chat with the security guards at the lobby reception desk, use the toilet facilities and just loiter about”. [Legal Cheek Comments]

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