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LSE law professor’s joy as ‘Silicon Valley’ themed exam question goes viral in the US

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Fans of hit American TV show go crazy over English IT law problem


A witty criminal law problem question written by an LSE professor has gone viral in the USA after it was papped by a student and posted online.

The IT law question (pictured in full below) — whose characters are named after stars from hit US comedy Silicon Valley — was posted online by an unnamed final year earlier this week, some commenters speculating that the photo may have been taken in the exam hall.


In its first 24 hours online, the pic managed to rack up over 22,000 views on American photo hosting site Imgur, plus 75 comments on Reddit.


Snapping the paper and uploading the photograph online is technically a breach of copyright, but the LSE professor responsible for the quirky question doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, Professor Andrew Murray (pictured top) seems pretty chuffed about the image’s viral success.

When Legal Cheek approached Murray for comment, he was quick to express his delight. Asked for a response to his question’s newly found internet fame, he told us:

I guess my reaction is I’m delighted students are engaging with the subject and with the exam paper. So many students worry about exams when they needn’t… I guess this year I really connected with at least one student which is great.

The University of Edinburgh educated professor even quipped that the chain of events could provide useful material for next year’s IT law class.


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