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Lord Neuberger’s Judicial Assistant Lifts The Lid On Supreme Court Life

By Ali Mountain on

Amid the glow of the UK Supreme Court’s psychedelic carpets (the work of Sgt Pepper’s album cover designer Peter Blake), former Linklaters trainee Cameron Sim tells me what it has been like to spend the last year working as the judicial assistant to Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger…

In three snappy minutes Sim recalls the terror of being interviewed by two Supreme Court judges for the job, charts the delights of assisting the “very entertaining” Lord Neuberger, and explains how the experience has made him want to switch from being a solicitor to the Bar.

With Sim and his fellow judicial assistants coming to the end of their year-long posts, the UK Supreme Court has this week launched a hunt to find seven recently-qualified barristers and solicitors to replace them. You can apply here.

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