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Lawyer’s Porn Star Past Returns To Haunt Him

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A US lawyer has admitted that he starred in porn films in the 1970s then lied when questioned about it during his second campaign for an elected district attorney position.

In a news conference on Friday, the upstate New York district attorney Mark Suben (pictured, left, in action during the 70s), said:

“Recently materials have been circulated alleging that I was involved in the adult film industry about 40 years ago in New York. Those allegations are true. I was an actor in adult films for a short period in the early 70s. I was also an actor in other venues including off Broadway, soap operas and commercial advertisements.”

Suben’s porn acting was carried out under the pseudonym Gus Thomas. He starred in films such as “Lecher” and “The Love Witch”.

The YouTube video which outed Suben is below (it features redacted clips of his 70s porn appearances between 9:10 and 12:49).

As NBC New York and Above the Law explain, Suben is now facing calls to resign from his district attorney post.

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