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‘How long should I spend on a training contract application?’

By Alex Aldridge on

I’ve heard 12 hours

In this latest instalment in our Career Conundrums series, one aspiring solicitor is unsure how much time they should devote to each training contract application.

“I’m looking to apply for law firm training contracts soon but unsure how much time to devote to each application. I’m talking about the written stage, prior to any psychometric tests etc., which varies from firm to firm but can be so long! I’ve heard that each application should be a 12-hour investment, which isn’t so long in the grand scheme of things, but I just wondered from those who’ve secured contracts how long they spent on each application? Some firms use the same application sites which makes inputting the info less of a chore, but they often ask quite a few questions. I don’t want to devote too much time (I’m studying and working part-time) to one if they won’t even review it if after submitting I fail the Watson Glaser (why do they do it in this order?!) so would be good to know what your readers think.”

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