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End of the day round-up

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trollKeir Starmer to step down as Director of Public Prosecutions in October [CPS]

UK gov’s troll-finder general says he’s hanging up his axe [The Register]

Kingsley Napley’s head of criminal law Stephen Parkinson calls for an end to appointing barristers to post of DPP [Law Society Gazette]

Lawmakers OK anti-Sharia bill that’s accidentally anti-Jewish, too [Gawker]

How can the courts manage the Facebook phenomenon? [UK Human Rights Blog]

Revision pain [LawVicissitudes on Twitter]

Twelve key questions Leveson lawyer lovers must answer as judge snubs calls for probe into their affair [Mail Online]

Convicted sex offender sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for BESTIALITY after frolicking naked and having sex with two dogs [Mail Online]

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