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Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up

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It started with this proud tweet from John Cooper QC.

Which was followed by this similarly proud tweet from Kirsty Brimelow QC…

Oh, the glamorous life of the “top QC”, a utopian world of international travel…

But wait a second…it looks like Brimelow fancied Cooper’s “Advisor to the All Party Parliamentary Committee on Capital Punishment throughout the World” gig for, er, “someone” else…

“Ouch!” cried shocked onlooker Prof Slizzard.

After tending to his wounds, Cooper hit back.

“Sexist,” retorted Brimelow!

Ignoring the charge, Cooper continued on the offensive.

The rest of the bust-up, sans commentary, is below in the order it happened.

By this stage it began to get a bit repetitive, finally spluttering to a halt with an admission of sorts by both parties that Twitter isn’t the best place for such spats.

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