Home » Posts » You’re fired! Dynamo Legal founder crashes out of the Apprentice in storm of criticism about his foray into the law

You’re fired! Dynamo Legal founder crashes out of the Apprentice in storm of criticism about his foray into the law

By Ali Mountain on

New legal franchise brand Dynamo Legal has missed out on a £250,000 investment after its founder, Alex Mills, crashed out of The Apprentice last night.

The likeable Mills, 22, who won favour with viewers for his quirky sense of humour, got the boot after his team bungled a task to come up with an enticing new ready meal brand. Unsurprisingly, “Deadly Dinners”, which featured a skull logo and the tagline, “healthy horrible food”, bombed.

In the ensuing boardroom post-mortem, Lord Sugar cast doubt on the wisdom of Mills’ foray into the law…

First Sugar asked Mills: “Have you got any qualifications as far as law is concerned?”

“Not at all,” replied Mills.

The Apprentice head honcho then added: “I always say to young people: you need to stick to what you know.”

At which point Mills’ fellow contestant, Leah Totton, chipped in: “You can’t just go off on a tangent and start a law company with absolutely no knowledge of the sector whatsoever. It’s totally unrealistic.”

To which Mills responded: “And then Richard Branson can’t go off and do spaceships?”

“Oh please! I wouldn’t even categorise myself in his league,” interrupted Sugar, before, in a reference to Mills’ previous businesses making plaques and selling CCTV, continuing: “You’ve gone from tombstones to video cameras and now you want to go off and do the law. I think you’re a bit of a grasshopper brain.”

Moments later, Mills got the chop — dashing his hopes of winning the quarter of a million pound investment that will go to the business of the show’s winner.

However, Sugar later tweeted some words of consolation.

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