Legal Cheek

Wragge & Co’s idea of ‘fun and games’ leaves a lot to be desired

The good folk over at Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co’s recruitment department are a laugh a minute

Legal Cheek is often left bemused by some of the top City firms’ attempts to get down with the kids on social media. Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co’s is the latest firm to fall foul.

On its graduate recruitment Facebook page last week, the firm posted the exciting announcement, “It’s time for some mid-week fun and games!”, before going on to ask the page’s 971 fans: “How many trainees join WLG&Co during each intake?”

Three students, presumably with nothing better to do, responded with the correct answer (which is 30) and received a pat on the head from the grad team for doing so.

Legal Cheek can’t wait for the next week’s instalment. Perhaps students will have to define commercial awareness, or even more exciting — see who can photocopy a 300-page bundle the quickest. Fun times, indeed.

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