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Video: Mr T reports for jury duty

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Star of The A-Team expresses respect for the judicial system as fans gather to meet him during jury selection break

Mr T

A video has emerged of Laurence Tureaud — better known for his role as Mr. T in hit 80s series The A-Team — greeting fans during a break from the jury duty selection process at a court near Chicago.

Appearing without his customary gold chains, presumably to avoid setting off the scanner, Tureaud, 62, expresses his respect for law enforcement and the judicial system in the clip, telling the camera:

“I’ve got to set an example. I understand my responsibility. I told the judge: I’ll do my best to never let you down.”

Tureaud’s association with the bench predates his acting career when he used to work in security. According to his autobiography, ‘Mr. T: The Man with the Gold’, he acted as a bodyguard for seven judges during this pre-fame period.

Sadly, despite attending the selection process, Tureaud wasn’t picked as a juror.

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