Legal Cheek

Twitter Suspends QualitySolicitors’ Anti Co-Op Law Account

QualitySolicitors’ campaign against “faceless” legal services providers – which we highlighted on Friday – has backfired after a Twitter account set up to promote it, “@FacelessSol“, was suspended by the California-based social network.

The social media publicity stunt didn’t impress other Twitter users, with leading legal tweeter @NearlyLegal labelling @FacelessSol as “very poor”.

@EszterShed added: “I guess it didn’t go very viral then…”

Quality Solicitors has not yet responded to our request for comment, which was issued via Twitter.

Update: QualitySolicitors says it is “waiting to be reinstated by Twitter”.

Via @NearlyLegal, a picture of @FacelessSol before it was hauled off Twitter.

What did @FacelessSol do to get suspended? Check out its recent tweets at Topsy (via @AnyaPalmer).

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