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Top Ten Funniest #Leveson Tweets

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Amid the Twitter storm of earnest pontification which greeted the publication of Lord Justice Leveson’s report into media ethics today, there were thankfully a handful of tweets offering some light relief…

1. What everyone is really thinking: Elizabeth Windsor

2. …they clapped?! Peter Elms

3. A top QC reacts: Sean Jones QC 4. From the horse’s mouth: Brian Levesonot

5. A giant leap for Briankind: Mehreen

6. What the legal aid cuts taketh away from lawyers, Leveson giveth: Charlie Beckett

7. Leveson (not quite) Gangnam Style: Gizzy McDizzy

8. A wry chuckle: James Ball

9. Comforting Dave: Elizabeth Windsor

10. #LevesonCarols: Ben Everitt

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