Legal Cheek

Top QC relaunches refugee billable hour appeal which saw lawyers donate over £200,000 last year

Legal profession’s charity campaign reaches target in a matter of hours

A top QC has relaunched a charitable appeal which sees members of the legal profession donate a billable hour to help refugee children – and it’s already met its target only hours after going live.

Sean Jones QC — an employment law specialist at London’s 11KBW — is calling on his fellow lawyers to donate a sum equivalent to that which they would charge for one billable hour of work.

Jones QC, like last year, is raising funds for charitable organisation, Save the Children, for its work trying to alleviate the refugee crisis currently unfolding across many parts of Europe.

The employment silk launched the first Billable Hour Appeal last year. Setting a modest target of £7,500, Jones QC went on to raise an astonishing £205,000 — exceeding his goal by over £197,000 — thanks to the generosity of lawyers across the country.

The profession has already broken Jones’ 2016 target of £7,000. At the time of publication the billable hour fund stood at £7,233.

You can donate to the Lawyers Billable Hour Appeal here.

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