Legal Cheek

Top barrister and London mayor allegedly flout cycling laws together

Lawyer accepting a dangerous midnight “backie” last week also happens to be BoJo’s wife

London’s mayor is renowned for adding to the gaiety of nations with his jolly Boys’ Own hi-jinks — and now his barrister wife is getting in on the act.

Taking a leaf from the book of fellow barrister Justine Thornton — aka, Mrs Ed Miliband — Marina Wheeler has been exposed for allegedly engaging in a spot of illegal cycling.

But while the wife of the ex-Labour Party leader was exclusively in the frame earlier this year for allegedly breaking a string of traffic laws as she cycled to 39 Essex Chambers, Wheeler was reportedly in cahoots with her husband.

The 28-year-call public and employment law specialist at the Temple’s One Crown Office Row (pictured below) arguably flirted with disciplinary action when she accepted a “backie” from the supposed wannabe leader of the Tory party and potential future Prime Minister.

According to The Sun newspaper, the 51-year-old mayor gave his 50-year-old lawyer missus the teenage-style lift at midnight on Thursday last week.

The romantic — albeit arguably dangerous — journey was spotted by a three chaps in a car, who in robust terms suggested the barrister and the mayor where in fact breaking the law.

Perhaps in preparation for any potential legal action, the boys helpfully took a video of the incident, which the tabloid has gratefully broadcast across the Internet.

The newspaper points out that a “sheepish” Boris fails to rise to the bait when the car passengers suggest that he and his wife could face prosecution. Or when they also speculate vividly on what the lawyer and the mayor will get up to if they reach their destination in one piece.

And for the avoidance of doubt, The Sun reproduces part of section 24 of the Road Traffic Act 1998, which stipulates that two people are prohibited from riding on a single bicycle, unless it is “constructed or adapted for the carriage of more than one person”. The newspaper goes on to remind readers that the maximum fine for the offence is £200.

Mayor BoJo launched the London cycle hire scheme five years ago and is a keen supporter of an expanded cycle superhighway to stretch across the capital’s embankment.


9 hateful Daily Mail comments about lawyers prompted by the illegal cycling of Justine Thornton [Legal Cheek]

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