Legal Cheek

Tom Cruise is still loitering around the Inns of Court

Hollywood idol appears to be generating a cult of his own in Legal London, as speculation builds over plot of latest Mission Impossible

The cult of Cruise continues around London’s Inns of Court.

The latest evidence of the sometimes-Hollywood star and full-time Scientology marketing man comes from junior barrister Mehvish Chaudhry.

The international family law barrister from Harcourt Chambers stumbled across a shady looking character in Middle Temple Lane, whom she immediately recognised, cajoled into a photo and then tweeted.

Demonstrating the bar’s renowned laser-sharp questioning skills, the seven-year-call lawyer demanded:

“Are you making a film about barristers?” — before adding adroitly, “You should.”

Cruise — the star of Missions Impossible 1 to 7,269 — is reported to be in town filming the latest installment of the franchise.

Speculation is rife around the inns that the film’s plot involves a diabolical bid by fiendish madman Chris “The Slasher” Grayling to take over the world, consigning all lawyers to forced labour camps.

But fuelled by the inspiring words of science fiction pulp novelist L Ron Hubbard, Cruise’s character, Ethan Hunt, sneaks up behind The Slasher as he issues a four-hour politburo-style diatribe from the stage of the Global Law Summit, bundles him into a van and transports him to a home for retired television producers.

And everyone lives happily ever after …


Barristers and clerks left stunned as Tom Cruise walks into a London chambers [Legal Cheek]

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