Legal Cheek

The best and the worst law student summer hoorahs

We’re all going on a summer holiday (to the library)

The British summer has well and truly begun.

The sun is shining, sun cream stores have been replenished and the pollen count is so high half the population is considering moving into a local cave. Now, in and amongst the ice cream and sneezing, it’s customary for lawyers and law students alike is to take a much deserved break and go on holiday.

This week, Legal Cheek posted a call out on Snapchat, asking our law student followers to send us their favourite summer holiday snaps.

We received some beautiful photos from all corners of the world, including this beautiful mountain view.

And this tranquil beach scene.

One student was living it up in Bali.

While another blew off some steam by riding an elephant.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t been a great August for all of us. Some of our followers were quick to share their despair: they’re still in the office or the library swotting up on the law.

At least this unhappy snapper has the chance to do some paperwork inside a sports stadium.

Not sure that quite beats riding an elephant though.

Keep the snaps coming.

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