Legal Cheek

Suspended lawyer’s bid to marry his porn-filled laptop is dismissed by judge

Lawyer claims he “fell in love” with MacBook and “preferred having sex with it over all other persons or things”.

US lawyer Chris Sevier has followed up his legal action against Apple for allowing him to become addicted to porn with a bizarre bid to marry his laptop.

Sevier, who has been suspended from practising since 2011 on disability/mental health grounds, claims that his feelings for his laptop blossomed into love after regularly watching porn on it. In a 24-page court filing spotted by UpRoxx, Sevier explained:

“Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women. Naturally, I ‘fell in love’ with my computer and preferred having sex with it over all other persons or things, as a result of classic conditioning upon orgasm.”

The lawyer’s bid to marry his laptop comes as the state of Florida fights a legal challenge against its refusal to recognise same-sex marriages performed in other states. Intervening in the challenge, Sevier filed his motion claiming to represent other minority sexual orientation groups. He argued that if gay people “have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object.”

Unsurprisingly, Judge Robert Hale threw out Sevier’s motion. He wrote:

“Perhaps the motion is satirical. Or perhaps it is only removed from reality. Either way, the motion has no place in this lawsuit.”

Sevier has filed a similar motion in Utah, where he claims his request to marry his computer was rejected.

Last year Sevier sued Apple for letting him access porn after apparently accidentally typing “” into Google. The misspelling meant that, rather than arrive at Facebook as he had expected, Sevier — who was using Apple’s Safari web browser at the time — was directed to a host of pornographic images. This soon led to “an unwanted addiction” that “poisoned his life”, with Sevier’s porn addiction wrecking his marriage and leading him “to experience emotional distress to the point of hospitalization.”

Those interested in Sevier can discover more about him on his Facebook page.

Previously: Lawyer sues Apple for letting him access porn after typing error.

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