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Stephenson Harwood keeps 7 out of 9 qualifying trainees

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London-based outfit posts 78% autumn retention figure


Stephenson Harwood has confirmed that seven of its nine newly qualifying (NQ) lawyers have committed their future to the firm.

The outfit — which has nine offices in five countries — revealed that seven NQs received offers, all of whom accepted. Considering the relatively small size of the firm’s trainee intake, this equates to a slightly underwhelming autumn retention figure of 78%.

All seven of the firm’s new recruits — who will start associate life on £65,000 — will be based at Stephenson Harwood’s London office. The new lawyers will be heading to the commercial litigation, corporate, finance and marine and international trade departments. Commenting on today’s result, Neil Noble, partner and trainee principle at Stephenson Harwood, said:

As a firm, we are committed to supporting our people throughout their careers, enabling them to fulfil their potential. Our award-winning career development programme is designed with exactly this in mind.

Earlier this year the firm held on to six of its seven NQs resulting in a spring retention figure of 85%. This gives Stephenson Harwood — which offers up to 16 training contracts annually — a 2016 cumulative retention rate of 81%.

Elsewhere in City retention news, Norton Rose Fulbright posted an impressive 85% result, keeping hold of 17 out of 20 of its autumn qualifiers. Meanwhile City duo Ince & Co and Withers posted decent results of 89% and 83% respectively.

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