Legal Cheek

Smart-dressing Royal Holloway law student slams ‘tracksuit slob’ classmates for judging her

Fresher goes public with pain at “passive-aggressive” remarks from casually-dressed peers

A female law student has rounded on her tracksuit and pyjama-wearing classmates for judging her because she chooses to dress nicely to attend lectures.

Paula Ursu, an 18 year-old first year LLBer at Royal Holloway University of London, is fed-up with people assuming she is dumb because she dresses well and wears make-up — and wants the world to know.

So she has gone public with her pain in a confessional blog for student website The Tab, headlined ‘I’m fed up of people thinking I’m dumb because I dress nicely for lectures’.

In the piece, Ursu (pictured), who has only been studying law for a matter of weeks, claims that there are two types of law students: “those of us who like to dress smartly for uni and the people who slum it around campus in tracksuits and pyjamas”.

This divide has seen Ursu become the recipient of abuse, she reveals, because of her impeccable sense of style. The young aspiring lawyer reflects:

Personally, I’m already tired of the passive-aggressive remarks and having to explain why I’m wearing platforms to a Tuesday 9am. How I dress for uni is nobody’s business but mine and it’s time people realised that.

The Elle Woods wannabe — who claims it only takes her 20-30 minutes to get ready in the morning — says she’s anything but dumb, continuing:

I’m working hard towards my law degree, I speak five languages, I go to the gym every other day, I go to societies, I volunteer to teach English to refugees, I kind of have a social life, and I still have the time to dress up. That shows time management and a fair amount of intelligence.

Ursu’s law school rant has since been picked up by a tabloid newspaper. And the law student seized on her 15 minutes of fame to champion herself as a feminist and lambast some of her female colleagues, telling The Mirror:

There’s already a lot of people who don’t treat women as equal and it’s sad when other women try to bring each other down. We should be empowering each other, and the way I dress makes me feel empowered.

Images via Facebook and The Tab

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