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Seven Celebs Sired By a Solicitor (Or Other Type Of Lawyer)

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To celebrate the visit to London last week of Kim Kardashian – the daughter of OJ Simpson’s defence lawyer Robert Kardashian – we bring you six other celebs also sired by a member of the legal profession…

Emma Watson – aka actress Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films – is the daughter of CMS Cameron McKenna partner and head of telecoms Chris Watson.

The father of ‘Devil Wears Prada’ star Emily Blunt is big-earning Furnival Chambers silk Oliver Blunt QC.

Vampire Weekend’s bassist Chris Baio’s old man is Joseph Baio, a litigation partner at top New York outfit Willkie Farr & Gallagher.

High Court judge Andrew Popplewell QC is the father of up-and-coming actress Anna Popplewell, who appeared in the Chronicles of Narnia film series.

The dad of former Dawson Creek star (and ex-Mrs Tom Cruise) Katie Holmes is family law specialist Martin Holmes.

And last but not least is reality TV star Hugo Taylor, son of SJ Berwin solicitor-advocate Tim Taylor QC.

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