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A QC has made a lawyer version of Twitter with ‘moots’ rather than tweets

By Ali Mountain on

A new frontier for social media?


Exchange Chamber’s Bill Braithwaite QC has launched a social network for lawyers called Mootis where users post “moots” rather than tweets.

The site (see screenshot below), which became fully operational today, has a similar look and feel to Twitter. However, rather than being limited to 140 characters lawyers get up to 500 words to express themselves — making it quite similar to LinkedIn’s blogging platform.


With Mootis’ facilitation of lawyers’ penchant for lengthy rants, the site could have a future. Certainly it bodes well that it is launching at a time when Twitter seems to be losing momentum, with the original group of legal tweeters that sprung out of the blogging community using the social network less and less.

Commenting on his brainchild, Braithwaite said:

“Sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook are hugely successful, but we feel the world of legal services is large enough to warrant its own, bespoke platform.

He added that he thought Mootis could catch on as it offered an answer to the current “clutter” of social media:

“So many legal professionals — at all levels — understand the need to engage with social media but are not entirely comfortable with the general nature of what is out there at the moment. There’s a lot of clutter. Mootis is specifically tailored for what is a vast legal services marketplace that extends far beyond lawyers.”

Mootis [Mootis]

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