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A City Lawyer Remembers It’s National Pro Bono Week…

There’s a list of the events taking place this week at ProBonoUK.

5 November 2012 14:55

Ex-Simmons Solicitor Who Blew £1m In Divorce Battle Against Fellow City Lawyer Pitches For Family Law Reform Role

Between them, former Simmons & Simmons associate Anna Kavanagh and her ex-husband, Holman Fenwick Willan...

5 November 2012 09:58

Morning Round-Up: Monday 5 November

Taxi for the billable hour… [Clerkingwell] A solution to the prisoners’ votes problem [The Law...

5 November 2012 09:04

Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories

1. Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up...

3 November 2012 16:50

End Of The Day Round-Up

Leaving work on a Friday [#WhatShouldWeCallMe] What to do about trolls? [The Justice Gap] Twists...

2 November 2012 18:09

‘I’ve Never Regretted Being Tricked Into The Law’

Ed note: This is the second in a series of posts where leading members of...

2 November 2012 14:26

Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up

It started with this proud tweet from John Cooper QC. Which was followed by this...

2 November 2012 09:50

Morning Round-Up: Friday 2 November

Legal profession giddy with excitement as Chambers and Partners’ new UK rankings released [Twitter] Lawyer...

2 November 2012 09:20

End Of The Day Round-Up

British judge: Say you’re sorry Apple… this time like you MEAN it [The Register] Chorley...

1 November 2012 19:21

Law Firm Logo Of The Week

As highlighted by legal tweeter extraordinaire Antonin Pribetic.

1 November 2012 14:43