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The Bizarre Story Of The ‘Marauding Lawyers’

The Washington Post reports that Pakistani “police officials, judges, litigants and witnesses say they have...

14 November 2012 10:00

Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 14 November

Baker & McKenzie, Hogan Lovells and Reed Smith among the “50 best law firms for...

14 November 2012 09:27

End Of The Day Round-Up

Released: Bar Barometer, trends in the profile of the Bar [Bar Council] Internet access is...

13 November 2012 18:47

Seven Celebs Sired By a Solicitor (Or Other Type Of Lawyer)

To celebrate the visit to London last week of Kim Kardashian – the daughter of...

13 November 2012 14:21

US Supreme Court Justice Tells Sesame Street’s Abby That ‘Being a Princess Is Not a Career’

“Pretending to be a princess is fun, but it is definitely not a career,” explains...

13 November 2012 10:01

Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 13 November

‘Grayling tells chair of Criminal Bar Association (CBA) to “get back in your box” over...

13 November 2012 09:24

End Of The Day Round-Up

Abu Qatada wins appeal against deportation [UK Human Rights Blog] Abu Qatada: what happens next?...

12 November 2012 18:24

Barrister Who Named Lord McAlpine On His Blog Removes Post And Braces Himself For Possible Legal Action

One of the bloggers who named Lord McAlpine in the wake of Newsnight’s report wrongly...

12 November 2012 14:19

The Bar Conference In Tweets: Most Retweeted, Most Eye-Catching, Most Amusing

Amid the mutual back-slapping at Saturday’s 27th annual Bar conference, there was gossip, intrigue and...

12 November 2012 10:06

Morning Round-Up: Monday 12 November

Police arrest man for posting picture of burning a poppy [Kent Police via David Allen...

12 November 2012 09:31