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Morning Round-Up: Thursday 29 November

The future of the legal profession in England and Wales: depressing or inspiring? [Standpoint] Transfer...

29 November 2012 09:24

End Of The Day Round-Up

Are magistrates and juries using Google to help them reach their verdicts? [The Telegraph] SNR...

28 November 2012 19:23

Why You Shouldn’t Post The Viral Mumbo Jumbo Legal Message On Your Facebook Wall

Earlier in the day we posted a note on our Facebook page about the pseudo-legal...

28 November 2012 17:22

JOB ALERT: Russian-Speaking Paralegal

From Baby Barristers: a leading London-based international law firm seeks a paralegal who speaks fluent...

28 November 2012 16:18

Bringing Facebook-Style Hackathons To The Law

Legal Cheek’s tech correspondent i@n davison shares his diary from one of the all-night hackathons...

28 November 2012 10:37

Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 28 November

Can you get around Facebook’s terms of service by posting some legal-sounding mumbo-jumbo on your...

28 November 2012 09:37

End Of The Day Round-Up

Wannabe lawyers face new embarrassing Twitter archive threat [Mail Online] ‘If I could turn back...

27 November 2012 18:45

‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ Issues Challenge Based On The Life Of SJ Berwin’s Tim Taylor QC

Viewers of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here the other night heard Hugo...

27 November 2012 13:55

London-Based US Lawyer Embarks On Second Round Of Brit-Bashing In His Hilarious Blog

I may have gone a little too far last month when I urged criminals to...

27 November 2012 10:18

Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 27 November

Milking: an udderly bizarre student trend [The Guardian] Leveson Inquiry will be shelved or re-assigned...

27 November 2012 09:25