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Freshfields’ removal of criminal records box from applications is targeted at support staff — but applies to trainee solicitors

A Law Society Gazette piece in today’s Morning round-up about Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s removal of...

22 January 2014 14:17

Morning round-up: Wednesday 22 January

Freshfields to remove criminal record box from applications [Law Society Gazette] West Brom won’t give...

22 January 2014 08:19

The end of the day round-up

Men deny stealing television from Lavender Hill Magistrates’ Court [Wandsworth Guardian] Law students should be...

21 January 2014 16:51

The top story on Reddit today is… a contract

Lawyers with an interest in retro drafting styles may be interested to know that the...

21 January 2014 15:15

Surrey University law graduate launches ‘not naked’ LLB study guide

University of Surrey law graduate Pia Jackson has unveiled a bizarre guide to obtaining a...

21 January 2014 12:07

Why it doesn’t mean much when the chair of the Bar Council says they want to cap BPTC numbers

Yesterday’s call by Nicholas Lavendar QC to limit Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) numbers has...

21 January 2014 08:51

Morning round-up: Tuesday 21 January

Gran punched solicitor at club after being branded a “gyppo” [This is Lancashire] Lord Rennard...

21 January 2014 08:22

The end of the day round-up

Courtroom snap puts private investigator for top American law firm into the frame [The Times]...

20 January 2014 16:20

The tooth fairy affidavit drafted by a lawyer-couple for their daughter after she lost a tooth

Comedian Emily Winter has dug out a tooth fairy affidavit that her lawyer-parents made for...

20 January 2014 11:18

Law firm’s clever divorce ad goes viral

Don’t be fooled by the opening message, this video placed on YouTube on Wednesday by...

20 January 2014 09:07