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10 Vine messages for Chris Grayling

We asked protesters at today's demonstration against the legal cuts for their seven-second messages to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.

7 March 2014 12:34

Day of action: ‘My uni mates went to magic circle firms, I chose the criminal Bar’

23 Essex Street junior Vicky Gainza finds the Crown Prosecution Service's threat to withhold work from striking barristers scary — but not as scary as the alternative of doing nothing to prevent the government's legal aid cuts.

6 March 2014 17:37

Was Dave on the phone to his criminal barrister brother?

The David Cameron-on-the-phone meme that has been sweeping the internet has arrived at the legal profession (starring the PM's brother, Three Raymond Buildings' Alex Cameron QC).

6 March 2014 16:33

How NOT to screw up your vac scheme assessment day

The anonymous trainee solicitor-to-be behind the hugely popular Twitter account @LawVicissitudes shares the wisdom he gleaned from multiple assessment day fails — and, eventually, one success.

6 March 2014 13:09

@ChrisGrayling: an apology on behalf of the legal profession

Meet Chris Grayling, a Kent-based maths tutor and writer who has endured a tough time from the nation's lawyers of late.

6 March 2014 09:24

This is one way to respond to a Magistrates Court summons

What kind of a dope would use a Magistrates Court Summons to roll a joint?

5 March 2014 14:16

3 top QCs criticise plan to wear wigs during Friday’s day of action

A split has opened up between those who want to protest in full court garb, and those who don't.

5 March 2014 08:56

Was this the worst start to a pupillage ever?

New pupil barrister on BBC legal drama Silk fails to impress on debut.

4 March 2014 12:34

9 photos of how places which featured in famous cases look today

The law graduate who spotted that the car park in Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking is being demolished has a blog containing photos of how places which featured in famous cases look today.

4 March 2014 09:48

It’s the 7 year anniversary of the best law video ever made

Since appearing on YouTube on 2 March 2007, a Donoghue v Stevenson-inspired parody of The...

3 March 2014 14:59