Latest news

Legal aid lawyers depicted as menage a trois loving superheroes in lobbying film

City law firms back star-studded cast in its pre-general election bid to alert public to dangers of cuts to system

13 April 2015 12:21

BPTC is rubbish and needs urgent reform — say top barristers

Bar Council report lashes providers for churning out an expensive yet poorly regarded course -- and the aptitude test is equally lambasted

13 April 2015 09:34

Morning round-up: Monday 13 April

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

13 April 2015 07:50

Law firm trainee diversity on the up, according to regulator’s figures

Smaller practices are outpacing larger firms, but across the board the profession is more diverse than the wider population

10 April 2015 16:53

The Judge Rules: Why the Law Society won’t stick up for solicitor-advocates

A Bar Council report flayed solicitor-advocates for being rubbish and Chancery Lane sat on its hands -- all because it needs to keep barristers on side in the war to save criminal legal aid

10 April 2015 12:18

Is there an unexploded Nazi bomb under your law firm?

Release of online bombing map of the London Blitz shows some of the world’s biggest names in corporate law could be at risk of being blown to kingdom come

10 April 2015 09:19

Morning round-up: Friday 10 April

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

10 April 2015 07:59

Legal profession fused through back door – and it’s the bar that left it open

In a landmark move, barristers’ regulator gears up to authorise 15 new “entities” that look and smell a lot like solicitors’ firms -- and will compete with them

9 April 2015 14:49

City law firm associates and partners set to coin it in looming salary war

Survey of top 100 practices shows major threat to profits in battle for top talent against backdrop of continuing client pressure on fees

9 April 2015 12:33

Revealed: how law school fees have spiralled far beyond rate of inflation since the millennium

Some institutions are charging 150% more than the rate of inflation for the two courses required to qualify as solicitors and barristers

9 April 2015 09:34