Latest news

Is this the most inappropriate gavel ever?

This month’s issue barrister bible, Counsel Magazine, has attracted a flurry of social media attention -- for all the wrong reasons

8 May 2015 15:30

Tory win sounds death knell for criminal bar, predicts top QC

Return of an even more powerful and unfettered Chris Grayling to the woolsack does not bode well for wannabe legal aid lawyers

8 May 2015 14:37

Will a lawyer win Labour Party leadership battle?

Several are lined up to take poisoned chalice from battered and bruised Miliband. And there are even a couple of Lib-Dem solicitors that could step into Clegg’s shoes

8 May 2015 12:01

The Judge Rules: Garrick Club should be allowed to fester in maleness

Do women lawyers really want to belong to a club that has blocked them from membership for so many years?

8 May 2015 09:39

Morning round-up: Friday 8 May

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

8 May 2015 08:34

Pupillage Gateway applications fall by 9%

Hard evidence that law students are turning their backs on the bar

7 May 2015 16:52

Now it’s time for top City partners to go into the age-guessing mincer

Have a guess, how old do you reckon the guvnor is …?

7 May 2015 15:42

3 videos that beautifully articulate the pain of being a law student

Results are in for US website's annual Law Review video contest -- here's a selection of the best bits

7 May 2015 13:29

How to choose a City law firm that won’t end your career when you have kids

Ex-magic circle solicitor warns female legal wannabes not to follow the money -- or even the most recent women partner promotion stats

7 May 2015 09:30

Morning round-up: Thursday 7 May

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

7 May 2015 08:13