Latest news

Latest research: three-quarters of young lawyers say they fear professional ‘burnout’

More money would help rectify work-life unbalance … along with fewer irritating clients

31 July 2015 11:29

Herbert Smith Freehills keeps 34 out of 37 trainees

Elite City outfit posts 92% retention rate

31 July 2015 11:08

Legal charity offers seven social welfare training contracts for second year running

Application process kicks off next week for positions across the UK

31 July 2015 09:33

Morning round-up: Friday 31 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

31 July 2015 08:08

Rubbish press release: Big data creates a big row

Pompous claims that Moneyball-style analytics can unearth the best litigators leads to Twitter ruck

30 July 2015 16:22

Judicial girl power a long way off, but women make gains on bench

Official figures show more than half of young judges are female

30 July 2015 14:06

Last-minute training contract applications are a waste of time

Thinking of burning the midnight oil to make a bid for City glory? Don’t, advise top law firm specialists

30 July 2015 12:27

Toddler who is obsessed by personal injury lawyer has most bizarre birthday party ever

Lawyer overcomes cartoon characters in battle for kid's affection

30 July 2015 10:52

Two silks and a regional law firm have best High Court ‘win rates’, says survey

Boffins invoke artificial intelligence to determine which are the best litigation horses to back

30 July 2015 09:28

Morning round-up: Thursday 30 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

30 July 2015 08:17