Latest news

To weave or not to weave that is the question

I can’t afford a new weave but my natural hair may be too much

7 September 2016 11:21

Travers Smith keeps 94% of new qualifiers while Eversheds hangs on to 77%

Contrasting autumn retention results

7 September 2016 10:52

BPP to give wannabe barristers ‘corporate training’

BPTC becomes more LPC-like, with added commercial awareness

7 September 2016 09:09

Morning round-up: Wednesday 7 September

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

7 September 2016 07:47

Alan Blacker re-hearing bid fails

Controversial solicitor-advocate was booted out of the profession earlier this summer

6 September 2016 15:00

Solicitor turned ISIS supporter sentenced to five-and-a-half-years for terror offences

Judge tells Anjem Choudary his actions "divided the world into two"

6 September 2016 13:29

RPC unveils 67% autumn retention score

While Watson Farley & Williams’ stands at 93%

6 September 2016 11:01

Cleary Gottlieb boosts pay for newly qualified solicitors to £105,000

MoneyLaw but on a more modest scale

6 September 2016 10:28

Judges are humans too, says Lord Neuberger

Supreme Court justice opens up about impact of dad’s death on his judicial career

6 September 2016 09:10