Latest news

Reed Smith keeps 8 out of 12 qualifying trainees

Four rookies exit the Broadgate Tower

12 September 2016 16:20

Academics rage after Michael Gove drops a risky Black Lives Matter gag at the Society of Legal Scholars conference

Former Justice Sec’s comments described as “unacceptable”

12 September 2016 14:30

Jogee: Man behind change to joint enterprise law may be out of prison in a year

The face of one of the most important Supreme Court cases in recent history has been sentenced

12 September 2016 13:34

The Russell Group bubble looks like it might burst

Status-obsessed legal profession may tire of brand that has lost its sheen

12 September 2016 10:28

Pinsent Masons: 47 out of 59 qualifying trainees stay on at firm

Bosses "pleased" retention rates are back on track

12 September 2016 09:45

Lawyers lead the way at the top of London politics as Sadiq Khan appoints Matrix Chambers QC to Deputy Mayor post

Matthew Ryder QC takes diversity and social mobility position

12 September 2016 09:06

Morning round-up: Monday 12 September

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

12 September 2016 07:50

Simmons & Simmons has retained just half of its trainees

Firm points to Brexit to explain disappointing result

9 September 2016 11:16