Latest news

China meltdown, Brexit fears and 100% trainee retention rates — what does it all mean for wannabe lawyers?

We tested two undergraduate law students on their commercial awareness

4 February 2016 16:57

BPP law library standoff: Female GDL student confronts two male laptop thieves — grabbing one by the throat

Aspiring lawyers build human wall across Waterloo campus entrance to stop would-be thieves escaping

4 February 2016 14:46

Law-themed cakes sweep the country as the Great Legal Bake proves a hit

Who said lawyers weren't creative?

4 February 2016 11:20

Countdown to completion: My four weeks of hell as a London corporate finance lawyer

Three hours sleep and no social life -- what the glossy graduate recruitment brochures fail to divulge

4 February 2016 09:19

Morning round-up: Thursday 4 February

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

4 February 2016 08:06

Lecturers from Oxford, Bangor, Leicester, Trent, Westminster and Sheffield Hallam shortlisted for ‘Law Teacher of the Year 2016’

Frontrunners for the coveted prize recognised for their "exceptional teaching"

3 February 2016 11:37

A law firm that used to make trainees pay for law school is now covering the cost of GDL and LPC fees

Partners at Fladgate flip broke students some cash -- will other firms outside the City follow?

3 February 2016 09:38

Morning round-up: Wednesday 3 February

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

3 February 2016 08:09