Legal Cheek

‘Pokémon Go’ craze reaches the heart of legal London

Augmented reality game allows users to catch on-screen characters using real-life locations — including Inner Temple Library

The new ‘Pokémon Go’ craze currently sweeping the nation appears to have reached members of the legal profession.

Free to play, the new app allows users to navigate around their own real-life environment ‘catching’ Pikachu and co with their mobile phones.

Downloaded by millions of Pokémon-crazed fans already, it would appear lawyers have been unable to resist the lure of the new augmented reality game.

Tweeting earlier today, Inner Temple staff spotted a Pokémon, Drowzee, wandering around its famous library there.

The Inn even went one step further helpfully revealing exactly where lawyers can acquire more so-called Poké Balls, the spherical containers used to catch a Pokémon — in the iconic Temple Church:

So barristers of London: if you spot an unusually large crowd gathered outside either the library or Temple Church this evening, it’s less likely to be tourists and will almost certainly be a group of lawyers on the hunt for Pokémon.

What a time to be alive.

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