Legal Cheek

No, not that Judge Timothy Bowles! Watchdog clarifies which judge was sacked for porn

A bad day all round if you’re a judge called Timothy Bowles

In the wake of this morning’s ‘Judges sacked for watching porn’ story, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) has just issued a slightly frantic “clarification” pointing out that one of the fired judges shares a name with another judge who has not been enjoying porn at work.

“Please be advised for clarity,” writes a panicked JCIO press officer, “that District Judge Timothy (Paul) Bowles who sat at Romford County Court and has been removed from office should not be mistaken for the High Court Chancery Master Timothy (John) Bowles. There is no connection between the two.”

District Judge Timothy (Paul) Bowles

High Court Chancery Master Timothy (John) Bowles

High Court Chancery Master Bowles must have had quite a day …

The confusion arose after the JCIO failed to include the locations where the sacked judges worked in its original press release.


Judges sacked for watching porn on court computers [Legal Cheek]

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