Legal Cheek

New official ‘online hub’ tells young barristers to lose weight and stop 5-day benders

Young Barristers’ Committee venture does, however, contain some useful snippets of advice for wannabes and rookies

A new profession-backed website launched earlier this month is telling young barristers to cut down on the booze and lose weight.

The “online hub” and accompanying “toolkit” — written by members of the Bar Council’s Young Barristers’ Committee — offers, amongst other things, various pointers on how those at the junior end of the bar can combat stress.

The site tells young barristers to “have at least two or three alcohol-free days each week” and lose some weight “if necessary.” The high-level advice continues, recommending that junior barristers to “take a holiday” and have a “proper lunch break”.

Some legal aid pupils may be left wondering how their £12,000 pupillage award will stretch to a Pret a Manger sandwich let alone a week in Tenerife.

The Young Bar Hub — which has also received input from older members of the bar, solicitors, pupil supervisors, clerks and Bar Council staff — does, however, contain some useful advice. From handling financial affairs to the tricky issue of tax, applying for tenancy and securing pupillage. If you can see past some of the more comical stuff, the site is certainly worth a visit.

Unfortunately, it’s the amusing advice that Legal Cheek enjoyed most. From top tips including “never drink a lot of water” before going to court to “think before you open your mouth”, it may leave some barristers feeling like they’re back at school.

The hub even features some guidance from barrister turned well-being guru Neil Seligman. The mindfulness expert advises young barristers to create a room in their house where mobile phones are banned, giving the bathroom as an example. So no more Tinder swipe-sessions while you’re sat on the toilet. It’s for the good of your health.

Announcing the arrival of the site, Daniel Sternberg, chairman of the Young Barristers’ Committee, said:

The Bar is operating in a time of unprecedented pressure and there will undoubtedly be difficult times ahead. These new online resources have been developed so that the young Bar receives the support it needs to ensure it is in the best possible position for the future.

You can check out the Young Bar Hub here.

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