Legal Cheek

‘New Fathers 4 Justice’ set to disrupt London Legal Walk

Protest group New Fathers 4 Justice is promising to send a team of superheroes to confront members of the “Family Law Gravy train” at the London Legal Walk this afternoon…

On its blog, the group writes:

“London Legal Walk 20th May 2013 – Fun starts at 4pm. Join our team of Superheros [sic]. We are pleased that these people are out walking the streets rather than riding on the Family Law ‘Gravy train’ . Dressed as Superheros [sic] we will protect the capital from these unsackable, unaccountable, unscrupulous servants of the British justice system many of whom operate behind the closed doors of the secret family courts.”

In response to what it is terming a “security threat”, the organisers of the walk, the London Legal Support Trust, is being forced to restrict walkers’ entry to the Royal Courts of Justice this afternoon.

Does New Fathers 4 Justice know that the London Legal Support Trust funds organisations that represents its interests?

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