Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Wednesday 18 November

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

Judges risk emotional scars from “sheer depravity” in sex cases, warns Lord Chief Justice [The Telegraph]

Barrister and banker become first couple to celebrate same sex marriage in Ireland []

Court hears how married couple who allegedly plotted an Islamic State suicide bombing in London were foiled after using Twitter to ask for advice on a target [The Mirror]

Gary Glitter loses sexual abuse conviction appeal [BBC News]

Without rule of law, conflict-affected areas will become poverty ghettoes [The Guardian]

Couple who met at the office retire from Bristol law firm after combined 73 years service [South West Business]

Property lawyer from Harrow jailed for conning clients and taxman out of almost £352,500 [Harrow Times]

Applications now being accepted for Linklaters’ summer vacation scheme [Legal Cheek Hub]

Top London legal aid law firm seeks paralegals [Legal Cheek Hub]

“And the disproportionately negative impact [scrapping law degrees] would have on the poor?” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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