Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Wednesday 15 April

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

Barrister and Tory candidate “suggests mentally ill people should wear wristbands” [Metro]

Southampton conference: Law academics lose legal challenge to reverse cancellation [Jewish News]

Music groups claim YouTube “abuses” copyright law [YouTube]

Lawyers to be offered new .law domain names [Legal Futures]

Harvard study debunks rainmaker myths, finds collaboration is key [Bloomberg]

Pistorius trial judge Thokozile Masipa forced to defend herself in job interview [The Guardian]

Scotland’s new drink-driving law is so successful it’s damaging the economy, according to Bank of Scotland report [The Independent]

Lawyer disbarred after faking favourable rulings for client []

Law GIF [Facebook]

Corporate tax paralegal sought for leading international law firm [Legal Cheek Jobs]

“Human rights (which is more a fashionable brand than a legal discipline) has a totally disproportionate focus, given its impact … there has grown an equally unpleasant ‘if you are not with us then you are against us’ line by the human rights fashionistas.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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