Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Tuesday 3 May

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

Top lawyers sign letter backing Sadiq Khan for London mayor [The Guardian]

Brazilian judge puts temporary ban on WhatsApp [Wall Street Journal]

Why lawyers make good early-stage startup hires [Harvard Business Review]

Slater and Gordon rescued by new lender agreement [Law Society Gazette]

Hillsborough barrister Michael Mansfield reveals how victims’ families were his rock after his daughter took her own life [The Mirror]

Revenge porn clinic and dementia law Skype sessions among winners of Attorney General pro bono awards [Legal Cheek]

Who owns Klingon? Lawsuit draws battle over invented languages into court [The Guardian]

“Human rights have become dirty words”: Lord Anthony Lester on the five things we should fight for [Huffington Post]

John RWD Jones obituary [The Guardian]

Last chance to apply for Exchange Chambers’ non-Gateway pupillage [Legal Cheek Hub]

“Brilliant. Plenty more female Barristers out there have suffered the same gross sexism. Great to get it out in the open.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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