Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Tuesday 19 July

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

High Court to hear legal challenge to Brexit [Financial Times]

Chilcot report: Iraq war families crowdfund legal costs [BBC News]

Europe and US urge Turkey to respect rule of law after failed coup [The Guardian]

Judge rules false expenses claims are ‘matter for Parliament’ [BBC News]

Pokémon Go players may be forfeiting certain legal rights when they sign up to the game [Wired]

Hockey playing lawyer Timothy Cockram is on the ball for Rio Olympics [Belfast Telegraph]

Kanye West may have broken the law by recording Taylor Swift call [The Guardian]

Accused throws slipper at judge [The Hindu]

Deadline alert: Applications for training contracts close on 31 July [Legal Cheek hub]

“I like the idea of loads of judges getting together and watching mean girls on Netflix. M’learned friend is so fetch.” [Legal Cheek comments]

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