Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Thursday 23 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

Former Dechert lawyer Tracey McDermott may not have the usual pedigree but she should still get top job at the Financial Conduct Authority [Evening Standard]

Hong Kong law: A trial for wig and gown — Territory is trying to preserve judicial independence despite interference from Beijing [Financial Times]

The EU shouldn’t strike down UK laws: DRIPA saga shows how undemocratic UK lawmaking has become [Spiked]

Beware of legal costs: Suffolk motorsport operator was sued for £20,000, but no-win-no-fee basis of lawyers obliges losing party to pay further £496,585 in costs and bonuses [The Guardian]

Clooneys clash with their neighbours over CCTV [Mail Online]

Legal aid crisis: can Michael Gove end growing case backlog? [Channel 4 News]

BBC licence fee deal faces NUJ legal challenge [The Guardian]

Businessman wins £110,000 libel damages at High Court over hitman slur on Russian blog [Evening Standard]

Police wipe criminal record of student found with cocaine in nightclub to “save his career” [Huffington Post]

Property paralegal required at top 100 London based law firm [Legal Cheek Jobs]

“It upsets me deeply that innocent and stressed out kids are seen as a legitimate target by every shyster and git in town.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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