Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Thursday 23 April

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts

Critics of Lord Janner decision misunderstand justice system [The Guardian]

Former Law Society president joins Janner decision critics [Law Society Gazette]

District judge sparks outrage by saying killed student Karen Buckley ‘put herself in vulnerable position’ by going out drinking [Mail Online]

Afghanistan deportation flight grounded by Court of Appeal [BBC News]

Louise Mensch joins in ‘Which Game of Thrones character is your law firm?’ [Twitter]

Sex with animals is no longer legal in Denmark [Huffington Post]

The 14 worst human rights myths [Rights Info]

Law GIF [Facebook]

International arbitration paralegal at prestigious London law firm [Legal Cheek Jobs]

“I note there was no mention of her catalogue of incompetence while at the BSB … A generation of children’s lives destroyed so she can pounce around with stupid and unearned titles.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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