Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Thursday 21 January

The morning’s top legal affairs news stories

Calais migrants given green light to use European human rights laws to come to Britain [The Telegraph]

Kit Kat have been told they can’t copyright the four-finger chocolate bar [Vice]

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange WILL be questioned over sex assault allegations after Swedish police “strike a deal with the Ecuadorian embassy where he fled three years ago” [Mail Online]

Controversial Making a Murderer lawyer: ‘I don’t get Netflix at home’ [The Guardian]

*Badum tish* [Twitter]

How domestic violence victims are still at risk, even in a courtroom [BuzzFeed]

What a break up really does to your heart: Law student’s Fitbit captured the exact moment he got dumped over the phone [Mail Online]

Family lawyers face new curbs on court bundles [Law Society Gazette]

10% of college graduates think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court [CNN]

King & Wood Mallesons are now accepting applications from first year students wishing to attend their open days [Legal Cheek Hub]

“I saw Lord Neuberger trying on some spray-on jeans down at Topman this morning. Pretty fetching if you ask me but he kept tutting at himself in the mirror.” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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