Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Monday 28 April

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Man wins 15-year legal battle to change his name to Mr Manchester United [The Mirror]

Lessons the British legal system could learn from the Pistorius trial [The Observer]

High street lawyers to get formal training in Islamic Sharia law [The Telegraph]

Anonymous QC says clerks are paid too much [Law Society Gazette]

SRA pushes ahead with deregulation of training [Legal Futures]

Man found dead after solicitors’ firm burglary [Sky News]

Woman who was deported from Sri Lanka for featuring a tattoo of the Buddha on her arm says she is taking legal action against the authorities [BBC News]

Pre-trial pilot scheme for victims and witnesses giving evidence to start [The Guardian]

New York in legal fight with Airbnb for disrupting hotel business [Mashable]

How black slave’s daughter in mysterious 18th-century portrait was taken in by senior judge and “opened his eyes” to the evils of slavery [Mail Online]

“That’s why you rile people on this website, not because people give a damn about wigs and gowns (they don’t) but because you seem to have it in for England in general and English lawyers in particular” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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