Legal Cheek

Morning round-up: Monday 24 February

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Criminal Bar chief sparks fury after “comparing legal aid cuts to the horrors of Nazi Germany” [Mail Online]

Men banned from becoming Queen as 700 years of law redrafted ahead of gay marriage [The Telegraph]

Career women need a pre-nup law to help them protect their earnings from predatory men, says Bar Standards Board chief [Mail Online]

Brick Court barrister trio command hourly rate of £18,750 for Tchenguiz appeal [The Lawyer]

Solicitor posed as American “surfer dude” on internet to exploit girl, 13 [Leicester Mercury]

Furious judge halts trial in Argentina after blasting defence lawyer for not wearing a tie [The Mirror]

Improving judicial diversity is turning out to be a difficult and slow process [Law Society Gazette]

Solicitor’s career in ruins after she lied to cover up her father’s speeding points then tried to have trial in secret for “cultural reasons” until Daily Mail won legal challenge [Mail Online]

Jade Goody’s mum Jackiey Budden kicked off jury duty after chewing gum row [The Mirror]

“Lawyers are (often) necessary, sure, but they’re not the creators or drivers of anything material” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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