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Morning round-up: Monday 23 November

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The morning’s top legal affairs news stories


Duncan Bannatyne forged evidence to hide £10m from his wife in divorce case — and faces police probe when he returns from jungle [Mail Online]

Church of England threatens legal action after cinema chain bans advert showing Christians reciting the Lord’s Prayer [Yorkshire Post]

How the courts are using medieval laws against terrorists who would take us back to medieval times [Law Society Gazette]

Trump and Carson back use of waterboarding in fight against Isis [The Guardian]

Police chief whose move cost taxpayers £55k is probed over alleged affair with lawyer affected his work [Mail Online]

Muslim lawyer calls for children to pledge allegiance to Britain in schools and reveals plan to tackle ISIS [The Mirror]

“Tesco Law” firm to be sold in £50m break-up [Sky News]

Better Call Saul season 2 return date and trailer [International Business Times]

How ready are in-house lawyers for a turbulent future? [LexisNexis In-House Blog]

Free event: ‘How to become a lawyer without doing a training contract’ — Apply to attend [Legal Cheek Hub]

“If you don’t want an expensive firm … don’t hire Freshfields?” [Legal Cheek Comments]

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